- bassein
- кір. басейн; басэйнбассейн
Беларуска (лацінка)-рускі слоўнік і слоўнік беларускай кірыліцы.
Беларуска (лацінка)-рускі слоўнік і слоўнік беларускай кірыліцы.
Bassein — • The birthplace of St. Gonsalo Garcia, the only Indian saint, who was a companion of St. Philip de las Casas, the first native of America to be canonized Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Bassein Bassein … Catholic encyclopedia
Bassein — may refer to:* Pathein, the capital city of Ayeyarwady Division, Myanmar (Burma); formerly known as Bassein. * Vasai, a city in Thane District, Maharashtra, India; known as Bassein during Portuguese rule. * Bassein Fort, a fort near Vasai, built… … Wikipedia
Bassein — Bassein, 1) (Basseen), Stadt am gleichnamigen westlichen Arm des Irawaddy im hinterindischen Reiche Birma, Provinz Pegu, hat Fort, Handel; 3000 Ew.; 2) Stadt, so v.w. Bassain … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Bassein — Bassein, Hauptstadt des gleichnamigen Distrikts (18,251 qkm mit [1891] 339,842 Einw., zum aller größten Teil Buddhisten) und wichtiger Hafen (1900. 37 Schiffe mit 167,263 Ton.) in der Division Irawadi der britisch ind. Provinz Niederbirma, unter… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Bassein — (spr. sehn), Distriktshauptstadt in (Unter )Birma, im Irawadidelta, (1901) 31.864 E. (S. auch Basim.) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Bassein — Bassein, Putheïn, Hauptstadt der Provinz Irawadi, Birma, im westlichen Irawadidelta, 144 100 Einwohner; Wirtschaft: Mittelpunkt eines Reisanbaugebietes; kunsthandwerkliche Betriebe; Verkehr: Hafen und … Universal-Lexikon
Bassein — [bə sān′] river port in S Myanmar, on the Irrawaddy delta: pop. 144,000 … English World dictionary
Bassein — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différentes localités partageant un même nom. Bassein est l ancien nom de deux villes actuelles : Vasai Virar, une ville indienne du Maharashtra, durant la domination portugaise, Pathein, la… … Wikipédia en Français
Bassein — /beuh sayn /, n. a city in SW Burma, near the mouth of the Irrawaddy River. 175,000. * * * ▪ India also called Vasai town, western Maharashtra (Mahārāshtra) state, western India. It lies on the Arabian Sea coast north of Mumbai (Bombay).… … Universalium
Bassein — (Pathein) The capital of Irrawaddy (Ayeyarwady) Division, located in the delta of the Irrawaddy (Ayeyarwady) River. With an estimated population of 182,496 in 1996, it is one of Burma s largest cities. Bassein is an important seaport and a… … Historical Dictionary of Burma (Myanmar)
Bassein Fort — The Bassein Fort is the Sea fort in Vasai Road, which is a suburb towards north of Mumbai. Vasai Road is the third last station on the western railway towards Virar. It falls in Thane District on the mainland just north of the Bombay archipelago … Wikipedia